White Secret
Ultra Vitamin C and
Collagen Essential White Refiner

Eating food enriched with Vitamin C contributes to a stronger immune system. When apply topically, Vitamin C does plenty of great things to our skin too. This vital vitamin protects our skin against sun damage, lighten dark spots, smoothen wrinkles to even promote healing, just to name a few. 

Our laboratories ensure effective usage of Vitamin C by adding Collagen into the Ultra Vitamin C and Collagen Essential White Refiner formulation, all to ensure a maximised result of skin brightening, antioxidant properties and aid healthy collagen formation in your skin.  

Holding on strongly to our core values in innovation, integrity and safety, a team of researchers meticulously studying and improving our dermatological formulations. We put years of dedication into finding the most suitable products for your skin, because results matter, and you matter.


L-Ascorbic Acid 3,500mg
Collagen 1,600mg

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